You have found me because I will support you to embody your deepest truth
so that you may fully open to every experience and love your life.
Together we will take your meditation, yoga or spiritual practice into a counselling or mentoring process, to open the way for the next step of your journey.

We are here, each one of us, to open to our wholeness and embody our unique expression of Self in every moment.
I will not try to fix you or simply give you tools to make your life more comfortable.
I will support you to find your deepest truth so that you may fully open to experience and love life.
My intention as we work together is for you to connect more deeply with yourself and anchor your inner knowing and inner authority, so that you are guided by your soul essence to full realisation.
Are you ready to open to your heart’s longing and to deepen your inner work?
Our work together may be gentle and subtle yet sometimes very direct.
As we cut through the clouds of our old conditioning we realise our true nature is love. When we experience love within ourselves, we experience love in all and we open to a more enlightened life for all of humanity.
In gratitude to the grace of my teachers, in this life and throughout past lives.

'To live in the mystery of life, without opposition,
is to awaken to the true reality.' - Suraj

The Awakened Woman
Pregnancy and Birth
Through the practices of yoga, meditation, awareness, walking and breath you will be
naturally guided to prepare for the birth
of your baby.
This book is a blueprint for the emotional,
physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of the mother and her baby from before conception
until after birthing.

Connect with Suraj
To connect with Suraj please email suraj@suraj-arya.com.au

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