Pregnancy and Birth - The Awakened Woman
Awaiting confirmation of dates
|Beijing, China

Time & Location
Awaiting confirmation of dates
Beijing, China
About the Event
‘As women we are extraordinarily powerful. Our power lies in our intuition and inner strength.
Every obstacle, every challenge, opens us one step further if we face it, into our awareness and our love.
We have the strength and the power to move mountains, to create rivers and to heal the world.
It is our time to open to our selves and to complete our work’ - Suraj Khalsa.
Whether you want to be a mother, are a mother, or have no concept of being a mother, the teachings around pregnancy and birth are a mirror for your life journey as a woman.
It is a journey of healing from your own birth, your mother’s birth, and the ancestral patterns imprinted in the womb.
The healing is reflected forward for your family, your children, your sense of self as a woman and your relationships.
This course is for every woman. As we learn about pregnancy and birth and the cycle of life for the woman we understand the process of conception, birthing and early childhood.
Nurturing a soul, even before a mother conceives, and then bringing this high divine energy into your pregnancy and through the first three years of your child’s life, this is the gift of being a woman. We nurture our world and the children of humanity’s future.
If you are a Kundalini Yoga teacher it includes certification of the 100hrs Specialty Training
as a Teacher of Conscious Pregnancy.
Part 1 - Open to everyone
7 days
Awakening as a woman, Woman in relationship, Preparation for pregnancy, conception, first 120 days of pregnancy, Preparing to be a mother, 120 days to birth, preparation for birth, birthing Mother, the first teacher, after birth care, creating a healthy and loving family
Part 2 - Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Certification
3 days
Pre-requisites for receiving a Conscious Pregnancy Diploma of Teaching
To attend Part 2 you must have completed Part 1.
Part 1
Preparation for pregnancy, conception, the first 120 days of pregnancy
Having a baby is one of the most important decisions we make in our life.
The parents influence the child even before conception.
We will explore the natural power of pregnancy and birth with the support of Kundalini Yoga and the tools you need to have a happy and healthy pregnancy so that you make conscious choices about what is best for you and your baby.
This module teaches you
- the relationship with yourself and the divine feminine within you
- the relationship with your partner
- how to prepare for pregnancy, to relax, to have a healthy body, mind and spirit
- how to make love to conceive a healthy baby
- the many changes you go through in the first four months
- ways to stabilise your mood, thoughts, and emotions to move beyond fear, to feel your strength, power and natural grace
Through the rebirthing techniques of Kundalini Yoga we heal past wounds and old beliefs, memories from your birthing, from being in the womb of your mother and early childhood.
These old belief patterns may block you from being able to conceive a baby.
Preparing to be a mother, 120 days to birth, preparation for birth, birthing
Being pregnant and giving birth is a natural state, the most natural state of being. It may be the most transforming and empowering experience of a woman’s life. If the mother fully accepts and loves herself and she unites with her body, mind and spirit, she will love the baby into existence.
Through the practices of yoga, meditation, awareness, walking and breath, she will be naturally guided to prepare for the birth of the baby.
This module includes
- how to nurture yourself and your baby in the womb
- intimacy during pregnancy
- Yogic teachings to prepare for birthing
- The power of the breath to connect to our inner strength and wisdom
- Basic anatomy of birthing
- Yogic care for women during birthing
- Natural Birth or Caesarian
We will learn why natural birth creates an ideal bonding between the baby and mother and prepares a child for life’s challenges.
Also the differences between natural birth and C Section and the care needed to support a caesarian baby to grow beyond the challenges of a caesarian birth.
The mother is the first teacher. The lessons begin in the womb.
The consciousness of the mother is very important. Each word we speak during pregnancy, every thought, every feeling, every experience, provides the foundation, the vibration from which the body and psyche of the child is formed.
Mother, the first teacher, after birth care, creating a healthy and loving family
- First 40 days after birthing
- Breast feeding
- Care after a caesarian birth
- Baby care, baby massage
- Creating a healthy and loving family
- Creating family values
- Healing, Woman as Healer
Part 2 - Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Certification
Pre-requisites for receiving a Conscious Pregnancy Diploma of Teaching
- KRI Instructor Level One
- Study of basic anatomy of women
- Completion of all course hours
- Completion of all homework and reading assignments
- Completion of practicum and exam
Yoga Teachers of other styles besides Kundalini Yoga
If you have a 200hr Yoga Teacher Certification of any other styles of yoga and complete
Part 1 & 2 of this training you will receive a
- Certificate of Completion
You may decide to do your Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training after having completed the Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Training.
At the discretion of the trainer your certification can then be applied.
Final Exam
A written examination, a Yoga/Meditation practicum and a student final Interview.
For more information or to book contact